In which I applogize

Having had to deal with my own website for the first time on the mobile platform while off traveling this past weekend, I have come to the conclusion everything is terrible. For that I apologize,
I’m looking into options to help streamline navigation around the site for those readers on phones and tablets. If you have any issues with certain site features, feel free to let me know what’s overlaying or broken, as well as what OS and format you’re using. Edit: I have moved a few things to make the comic pages readable on mobile. I will work with the sizing and navigation bars shortly.

Maybe a new bonus comic page will make that problem feel less awful! Spare a vote, go read.

New bonus page, and a little note about July’s update

It’s that time of the week, new bonus page up for taking a moment to spare a vote. Nearing the end of this side story quite soon. I have a new one in the works, but I’ll be keeping the details secret for now.

And a small note about July’s update. It’s going to be five pages, as we ended up on an uneven number of pages left in this chapter. I didn’t want the cover page to count against the monthly four page update.

Keep counting days, Chapter two will start with the next update, and with it the introduction of a few new characters.