Moving on along

First a kind welcome to the new readers that seem to be growing here, you are all amazing.

Next, I’ve made a few pushes to promote the comic a bit more, one of which is posting semi-daily teasers, sketches and bonus stuff for voting on Top Web Comics.  You can vote daily, and grab access to these bonus here.

Finally, next month’s update will be five pages, in honor of my birthday you get the present. Check back in February for more story!

Asis gets a Tumblr+ Prologue ending soon

First off, I’ve started a Tumblr feed for the comic, as of right now it’s slowly posting pages to catch up to the current state here. Once that happens, updates will be posted there at the same time as on the site here.

Next, the update for June will also be five pages in total and will finish out the prologue arc. I plan to take July off to start work on the first chapter, updates will proceed again in August.


Apologies for two things.

Thing the first, that the update didn’t happen on the 1st as it usually does. That was due to a week long loss of power caused by the massive storm that rocked the New England area, downed trees kept crews from getting to us for most of this week and last weekend. Power is back now, and stable.

Second, that the update will only be two pages this month. Between being out of town for two weeks of the month, the power outage, and a complete re haul of how I wanted to have the next scene to go, I got a bit behind. Next month will be much less time crunched and I can get back to the normal four to five pages again.