Page 158

Happy third birthday Asis! Enjoy an extra page today. In honor a fanart contest will be held starting in September with the updates, prizes will include copies of book one, flasks and some other neat things. Get ready!

6 thoughts on “Page 158

  1. Happy BIRTHDAY ASIS! Congratz for making it this far! Talk about 3 years of awesome artwork eh? And I guess I should take my wacom out again, don;t expect too much though xD Anyways, great page. IMO you captured Rike’s emotion especially well… all this is making me feel sad for Sorit T.T

    1. Thank you so much! All the support from you guys helps keep me going. :)

  2. Oh! Yay!!!! Happy birrrrrrrthdayyyyy!!!! (to the comic that is) haha I would live to send in some fan art!!! :D are we aloud to turn in more than one piece? Ooo this is so exciting! (especially cause my Birthday is in September!)

    1. Well thank you! Right now I’m going to say yes to more than one entry per person, but only one prize can be won.

  3. Aaaah, two days late for the party!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASIS!!!
    Poor Sorit, he needs medical attent- wait, he’s kind of a doctor, so he can take care of that himself, right?
    …Naaaaah, if he can find someone to take care of it he should. Poor baby needs some TLC.

  4. Awww, Yeah! Tres años!

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