Page 53

Rike isn't too good at balance out his emotions against his efforts of trying to be an uncaring badass.

2 thoughts on “Page 53

  1. Woah, daily uptades FTW!!! =D
    Looks like Rike is about to realize that Sorit was right all along…
    Hey, in the first panel Sorit cries out for his father. Would that be Arren or the dead Asini from the last page? Is Sorit’s father going to be introduced now?
    Also, I noticed that none of the comments I gave on the last few pages have saved. they all just disappeared… =[

    1. The last update to WordPress seems to have hidden a few comments, I’ll have to see if I can get them to show up again.

      Arren is Sorit’s father, they don’t have a very close relationship, so the that’s the reason behind Sorit’s use of his formal name up until now.

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