Massive update GO!

Alright, as of posting this all of chapters one to three are finalized in revision for print. Which means…book one will be available for purchase very soon. I have exactly half of the page formatted for print prior to this update, with the other half finishing up over this week.

Details on how yo get your hands on both normal dead tree books, and the potential for sketched, signed copies coming by next update.

RE: Site virus issues

First, a huge thanks for everyone that dropped me email letting me know about this. I would not have noticed this myself as I run every level of script blocker I can for web browsing.

The back story? This was related to a data breach late last month that happened with my host. Originally it seemed it didn’t effect my server, however it did effect some WordPress installs, of which I was not notified. The good part? It’s rather harmless, just an annoying redirect, and over all posed no threat to you or your PCs.

As of right now I’ve cleared it out as best I can, and there was some site downtime during that. I have a WP plugin running to watch for any new changes to my PHP, and have run some checks against the site, and so far this should be removed for good.

IF anything else starts giving any of you warnings via virus blockers, please bring it to my attention.



Sorry for the unaccounted, but totally planned two weeks off there. My message of such spent the same vacation time as me sitting in the draft folder on WordPress.

Next weekend posting will have Monday moved to Tuesday due to PAX East shenanigans.

Intermediate breaking

Taking off this coming weekend from updates, for two reasons:

1. I want to catch up on the revamping of earlier pages for print. Also, point 1.a: You have 4 new pages added today.
2. It’s safe to say I need to catch up on thumb nailing new chapter pages, to say I am close to finishing this comic would be an under statement. I expect I’ll be done thumb nailing the whole thing in the next few months, and have a set number of pages to announce then too.

If I don’t get up to page 85 done for revamping this weekend I will be so disappointed in myself. See you guys on the 10th with new pages.

We’ve been outbreaked

Added myself to Ink Outbreak for those that wish to have an easier way to keep their place in the comic as they read:

And I did some clean up on the layout. Chapters are now on the right bar, via a dropbox, the nested links where getting a little crowded. Should also help speed up your first load of the site, many things will be cached after the first load.

Off, away, gone!

Those news posts you hate so much, next weekend will lack in updates as I will be off on the opposite coast for the time being. I will have a few new updated pages to post the Wednesday prior to the disappearance, as a parting gift.

Updates will continue the weekend of the 21st, and not be interrupted again until March.