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One of the only species not effected by the death of Asis, these little birds remain non sentient and wild across the whole continent. Considered the favorite animal of Asis, this scared tie is the supposed reason for their escape from the changes all other life faced. They are relatively rare now, only seen in and around areas that still maintain stretches of tree cover.

Ashwing are about the size of a raven with a forked tail, dull gray coloration, and striking red eyes.

While these birds should make an ideal candidate for a food source, they are luckily saved from this fate by their toxicity. Their diet of desert fruits and flowers cause a rise in batrachotoxin in the flesh and feathers. While not always deadly to injest, even small amounts are painful, and counter productive as a viable food source.


Page last modified on September 09, 2012, at 09:20 PM EST
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