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Like his Asini brethren, Naki has two forms. The first monstrous form can be described by Asini standards as completely average. A build that mixes elements of feline, canine, and equine all rolled into one. Rather unremarkable, with short dusty colored fur, no unique features aside from two red arrow markings on the bridge of his nose. These do no carry over into his human form. In human form, Naki is tall, skinny and awkward. His sharp facial features are accented by the bright orange hair that he shares with both forms.


Easily swayed by the opinions of others Naki is a born follower, easily finding himself involved with the goals and mindsets of those around him. Short on patience, he works on seeing instant results, and gets restless when things aren't readily in motion.



Page last modified on August 31, 2012, at 11:44 PM EST
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